
kanji.sh aims to become a free & more comfortable way to study kanji reading and writing. When I started my Kanji study, hundreds of free resources were available online but were filled with distracting advertisements. It was distracting, not letting me focus on my studies. So, I made a small script to create PDFs; with lots of motivation from my friends and colleagues, I published the website for myself and others wanting to study kanji distraction-free. Later, I moved it to the organization RionLabs along with other projects to manage them under one umbrella.

Plenty of worksheets are on the site, but if you need anything, feel free to email or open a GitHub issue.

How can you help?

Being free & open source, we need all the help we can get. You can support us in many ways.

The simplest one is sharing kanji.sh with all people you know are learning Japanese, spread the word, and let them know kanji.sh here.

Feedback & Suggestions

You can submit your precious suggestions for the designs or more features. If nothing, you can drop an email telling us you feel about the site. Few words of encouragement never hurt!

Contribute to the development

If you are a software developer, good news for you. kanji.sh is open source! Check out the GitHub page to see the source code, build it yourself, file an issue, and make some PRs! Show your love by sharing this website and starring the GitHub repository.

Buy me Sushi

I work on kanji.sh in my free time, and it took me a considerable amount of time to build up to this point. You can fuel kanji.sh by buying me some Sushi. It also covers costs for servers, domain, and keeps me motivated to put more time to improve kanji.sh.